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This page is dedicated to my activities outside of the classroom, I want to express my interests and for people to get to know me more. 

Purdue Women's Ultimate

This club sports team represents Purdue at different tournaments from Columbus, Ohio, to St. Louis, Missouri. I joined this club in August 2022, and I am glad I did because ever since I joined, it has brought me an opportunity to relax outside of academics, and I got to make a great connections with new friends. I have gained different leadership opportunities while I served as Captain (Spring 2024) and President (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)

Purdue LGBTQ+ Club

I joined this club originally to make friends within the LGBTQ+ community but after I joined it became an outlet to help deal with the changes in the world and a resource to learn about LGBTQ+ history within Indiana and all across America. I have been a member since August of 2021.

Pride Parade
All Hands In

Women In Technology

This is a networking club for women in technology majors across Purdue's campus and a way for students to connect with alumni at significant companies who visit Purdue's campus. I have used this club to expose myself to different companies and to mentor the underclassmen in my major. I have been a member since August of 2022

And More...

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