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The projects below are a combination of my experience studio and learning studio projects that I have worked on. I have included a summary of the project and what role I played during the project, and more information is included if you click on the image. 

Analyzer, Designer, & Tester

Starting in August 2023 and lasting until December 2023, the Purdue UX team worked in partnership with Innovatemap to digitalized the concert experience, our team decided to focus on the underground concert scene at Purdue.
For full documentation, click here.

Concert Live Audience


UI Designer

Starting in January 2024 and lasting until May 2024, the Purdue UX team worked with KAYAK to reinvent the group travel feature on their website. 
For full documentation, click here.
Note this section is being updated currently

Travel Agency

Designer & Testing & Multimedia Component

Starting in October 2023 and lasting until the beginning of December 2023, we were tasked with creating a museum exhibit of our choosing with multiple physical and digital touchpoints. Our group decided to create an exhibit theme surrounding Disney Animation Technology History. We created an exhibit, web experience, and a multimedia component within Minecraft.

For full documentation, click here.

Kids in the Museum
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