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Welcome to my website; I am glad you decided to visit. I am AJ, and I am a Senior at Purdue University studying UX design. I am an older sister, frisbee player, and throwback DJ on long road trips. If you can't find me in the classroom, I can usually be found on the frisbee field, working as an ambassador or playing board games with my friends. 

My Story


My story is that I am a girl from Tallahassee, Florida, who has always been interested in technology. Ever since junior year of high school, I have found myself coding or creating something new. I have always been interested in coding, but it wasn't until I got to Purdue did I learned about UX. I have always felt like I was missing something when I was coding or working with technology. My advisor recommended I look into some introductory courses within the UX program, and I fell in love. It was everything I wanted, working with emerging tech, working with people, and designing new solutions to a variety of problems. Ever since then, I have excelled in my classes, and I enjoyed every moment on campus. Besides academics, I joined the ambassador program in November of 2021, and I have welcomed every experience I have gotten through that program. I joined a multitude of clubs and activities and found myself these past 3 years on Purdue's campus. If you want to learn more about my extracurriculars, check out my EXTRACURRICULARS page. 



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities.

Let's connect!

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